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24/7 Identity Theft Protection


Only $14.95 per month* includes the entire family!
CareShield gives you access to services designed to help protect your identity from theft and fraud, and to help you if and when your identity is ever compromised. We’ve packaged together a suite of products and services designed to help give you peace of mind, for only $14.95 per month.

In 2006, 8.4 million Americans fell victim to identity crimes - about 4% of the population.* Victims can spend hundreds of hours over the course of years trying to recover their identities and resolve theft-related problems.** The CareShield plan was created to help protect you from identity theft and help save on legal and financial counseling services when you need them.

  • Identity Theft Restoration
  • Family Legal Protection Plan
  • Financial Counseling
  • Tax Services

* Source: Javelin Strategy and Research. "2007 Identity Fraud Survey Report." February 2007.
** Source: Federal Trade Commission 2006 Identity Theft Survey Report. November, 2007. Available at


How to Use your CareShield Plan

It's easy to use your CareShield plan. Once you have joined the plan and received your membership kit, simply follow these directions and start using your membership card today! (Some discounts will have specific directions on how to use. Please review your membership kit for details.)

  1. Keep your membership card with you at all times so it will be easily accessible when you need it. You must present your membership card at the time of service to receive a discount.
  2. To locate and verify participating providers in your area, simply call Member Services at (877) 377-6587. When calling to schedule an appointment, please refer to the membership card for proper network identification when speaking to a participating provider’s office.
  3. You are responsible for paying the provider the entire discounted fee at the time service is provided.

If you have any questions about how to use your discount plan, call our Member Services department toll-free (877) 377-6587, any time between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. CST, for prompt and friendly assistance.

© 2013   |   (877) 377-6587   |   400 Gaylord Parkway, Frisco, TX 75034

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