Did you know that dental care is important at any age? It's important at every age, actually. From the very young to the older and wiser, oral health isn't something to overlook or undervalue at any age or stage of life.
Many recent studies confirm a direct link between oral health and overall health. According to a Wall Street Journal article published in December 2011, If Your Teeth Could Talk, "Some of the earliest signs of diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, immune disorders, hormone imbalances and drug issues show up in the gums, teeth and tongue - sometimes long before a patient knows anything is wrong.”
The WSJ goes on to say that growing evidence suggests that "oral health problems, particularly gum disease, can harm a patient's general health as well, raising the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, pneumonia and pregnancy complications.”
But these are just a few of the health concerns that should promote the importance of routine dental treatment and dental care at any age. In fact, the American Dental Association (ADA), America's leading advocate for oral health, has launched a public resource site that educates consumers on the importance of oral health at all ages. It's called MouthHealthy.org, and it covers the aging and growth spectrum, starting with pregnancy and oral health for babies and kids and extending all the way to adults aged 60 and over. The content associated with each stage of life, as defined by the ADA in this consumer-focused site, not only discusses the oral health concerns relevant to each life stage, it also features nutrition tips, fact vs. fiction and healthy habits designed to foster consumer awareness of the necessity of maintaining good oral health at all ages.
At every stage, the site recommends routine dental visits to maintain oral hygiene no matter how young or old - starting as early as a child's first birthday! And routine dental care is not something to put off or ignore at any age. As we age, the concerns for overall health as it relates to dental health can be even greater, and the complications more serious.
The site makes a great case for a lifetime of oral health as a priority. Visit www.MouthHealthy.org to learn more.
It's never too late to take control or your dental hygiene and put yourself and your family on the path good oral health. To save on dental care for you and your family starting today, consider the money-saving dental plans available to you through myDentalChoices.com, and start saving on your family's healthiest mouth ever!